Great Divide Ambulance Service

Cable is the home of the Great Divide Ambulance Service. Great Divide Ambulance is a State of Wisconsin Licensed Paramedic Level Provider Ambulance Service with Critical Care Endorsement. We proudly serve the Townships of Cable, Drummond, Grandview, and Namakagon in Bayfield County. This represents a Service Area of approximately 350 square miles, encompassing Area Lakes, National Forest Lands, Snowmobile, Hiking, and Biking Trails.  Our Station Headquarters are located at 43555 US Highway 63 and house all our Providers there and 6 Ambulances 24-7.

Great Divide was founded by the Local Cable Area Lions Club in 1971, who realized the need for immediate emergency response to this remote wilderness Region. The Lions Club continues to support the Service to this day. Great Divide has a strong history of Community Members who have taken training and staffed the Ambulance to come to the aid of neighbors and visitors to our Region. In 2003, Great Divide became the first Basic Ambulance Service in Wisconsin to earn a Paramedic Level License by staffing hybrid teams of Paramedics and EMTs. Operating at this level is a huge responsibility that we take very seriously.

Great Divide Ambulance Service is owned by the Town of Cable, Town of Drummond, Town of Namakagon and Town of Grand View. The service is funded by a portion of each of the four towns tax levies. The service is always looking for opportunities, grants and other means to be able to keep equipment up-to-date. Donations are welcome for these additional expenses, such as vehicles, medical supplies, and those items that are not a part of the subsidies from the four towns. Donation information can be found below.

We have enjoyed the continued support of our communities.  Great Divide Crews are available for emergency response 24-7 through 911 activation out of Bayfield County Sheriff’s Department in Washburn. The Service also provides Emergent and Non-Emergent Inter-hospital Transports and Critical Care Transports.

All of us at Great Divide encourage you to enjoy the natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities our Area offers. We also encourage you to be safe and operate all motorized and non-motorized vehicles and boats with caution and responsibility.


The service is in dire need of employees, and an incentive program is currently being initiated with some of the funds that have been received. We need your help to spread the word in the community for anyone wanting to work as an EMT or Paramedic with the Ambulance Service!


Great Divide emergent response is initiated by dialing 911.

Non-emergent contact, Compliance Officer Monica Bigo: (715) 209-0287

Office, Business Manager Laura Bjork: (715) 413-0406


Bayfield County Sheriff at (715) 373-6120




Pay your bill online:


Your Support is Greatly Appreciated!

The service is currently in need of three power loaders, which is our big medical equipment purchase this next year. The service has kept the subsidies requested from the townships the same as last year, and we are reaching out to the community to support the purchase of these power loaders. This will allow for injury prevention for the employees within the service. The cost of these items (used) is approximately $22,000 each, for a total of $66,000.

Donations can be used for tax deduction purposes. A receipt of your donation will be mailed to you, so
please make sure your return address is labeled in your donation.

Donations can be sent to:

Great Divide Ambulance Service

43555 US Highway 63

Cable, WI 54821

The Great Divide Ambulance Board would like to thank those who have and continue to donate funds to keep critical care in this area! Thank you!

A Special Thanks to all the Community that donated this past year and all those who donated through a memorial for their loved one and to all those who put together fundraisers in effort to support the ambulance service! We are so very appreciative! THANK YOU!


President Royden Bloom, Town of Drummond

Jack McGregor, Town of Namakagon

Dale Ahlvin, Town of Grand View

Jamie Holly, Town of Cable

Ron Gran, Cable Lion’s Club